Winny 1.14

4696d0, "0"
4699f0, "[BBS_%s] %s"
4699fc, "タイトルは半角4文字以上にしてください"
469a24, "BoardListFile(%s)"
469a44, "rt"
469a48, "%s%s"
469a50, "BoardList.txt"
469c40, "send() 失敗"
469c4c, "通信受信バッファが溢れたためリンクを切断しました"
469c80, "通信書込みバッファが溢れたためリンクを切断しました"
46a028, "@"
46a044, "header"
46a04c, "%02x"
46a054, "%2x"
46a08c, "vector<T> too long"
46a0ac, "rb"
46a0b0, "wb"
46a0b4, "rb+"
46a188, "<br><dt>%d :<font color=green><b>%s</b></font>:%s</dt><dd>%s</dd><br>\n"
46a1d8, "<br><dt>%d :<font color=green><b><a href="mailto:%s">%s</a></b></font>:%s</dt><dd>%s</dd><br>\n"
46a258, "sage"
46a260, "key="
46a268, "MESSAGE="
46a274, "mail="
46a288, "FROM="
46a290, "</form>"
46a298, "<input type=hidden name=key value=%s>"
46a320, " 名前: <input name=FROM size=19> E-mail<font size=1> (省略可) </font>"
46a368, "<input type=submit value="書き込む" name=submit>"
46a3bc, "</html>\n"
46a3c8, "</frameset>\n"
46a3f4, "<frame name="board" target="main" src="board.html">\n"
46a454, "<title>Winny BBS</title>\n"
46a470, "<head>\n"
46a478, "<html>\n"
46a480, "ダウンファイル書き込みエラー"
46a4a0, "キャッシュファイル書き込みエラー"
46a4e0, "コネクション数限界エラー"
46a4fc, "キャッシュファイルオープンエラー"
46a520, "アップファイルオープンエラー"
46a550, "不正ブロック位置受信エラー"
46a56c, "ブロック受信中接続断エラー"
46a5a0, "キーロストによる切断エラー"
46a5bc, "接続タイムアウトエラー"
46a600, "ファイル変換正常終了"
46a618, "ファイルチェック正常終了"
46a648, "Winny Ver1.10 "
46a664, "http://%d.%d.%d.%d:%d/"
46a67c, "http://%d.%d.%d.%d:%d/%s/"
46a698, "http://%d.%d.%d.%d:%d/%s"
46a6b8, "%d"
46a6bc, "%g - %g"
46a6c4, "BBS"
46a6c8, "%s"
46a6cc, "%c%s"
46a6d4, "%c%s (%s)"
46a710, "指定されたBBSフォルダ(%s)が見当たりません。生成しますか?"
46a74c, "ダウンフォルダの生成に失敗しました"
46a7b0, "キャッシュフォルダの生成に失敗しました"
46a7d8, "指定されたキャッシュフォルダ(%s)が見当たりません。生成しますか?"
46a82c, "ab"
46a84c, "%d:%02d"
46a860, "ダウン試行待ち"
46a870, "連続ダウン制限"
46a880, "%s / "
46a888, "%u"
46a88c, "*%s"
46a8a8, "%s\%s(%d).%s"
46a8b8, "invalid map/set<T> iterator"
46a8e8, "The lpWSAData is not a valid pointer. "
46a970, "A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 operation is in progress. "
46aa28, "Indicates that the underlying network subsystem is not ready for network communication."
46aa80, "WSAStartup() 失敗"
46aac0, "r"
46aac4, "\n"
46aac8, "%s:%d"
46aad0, "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d"
46aae0, "ノードファイル出力失敗(%s)"
46aafc, "wt"
46ab04, "at"
46ab14, "Trip=%s\n\n"
46ab20, "Path=%s\n"
46ab2c, "[%s]\n"
46ab5c, "w"
46ab60, "%s,%s,%g,%g,,%d\n"
46ab88, "ダウンロードリスト書き込み失敗(%s)"
46abac, "%s,%s,%g,%g,,%d,%d,%d\n"
46abc4, "%s,%s,%g,%g,%s,%d,%d,%d\n"
46abe0, "無視リスト書き込み失敗(%s)"
46ac10, "errno: %d"
46ac1c, "WSAENETDOWN: The network subsystem has failed. "
46ac50, "WSAETIMEDOUT: Attempt to connect timed out without establishing a connection. "
46aca0, "WSAENOTCONN: The socket is not connected. "
46acd0, "WSAENOBUFS: No buffer space is available. The socket cannot be connected. "
46ad1c, "WSAEMFILE: No more file descriptors are available. "
46ad50, "WSAEISCONN: The socket is already connected. "
46ad80, "WSAEINVAL: The socket is already bound to an address. "
46adb8, "WSAEFAULT: The namelen parameter is incorrect. "
46ade8, "WSAENETUNREACH: The network cannot be reached from this host at this time. "
46ae38, "WSAECONNREFUSED: The attempt to connect was forcefully rejected. "
46ae80, "WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: Addresses in the specified family cannot be used with this socket."
46aed4, "WSAENOTSOCK: The descriptor is not a socket. "
46af08, "WSAEINPROGRESS: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function. "
46af90, "WSANOTINITIALISED: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function. "
46afe8, "WSAEACCES: Attempt to connect datagram socket to broadcast address failed because setsockopt option SO_BROADCAST is not enabled. "
46b070, "WSAEWOULDBLOCK: The socket is marked as nonblocking and the connection cannot be completed immediately. "
46b0e0, "WSAEISCONN: The socket is already connected (connection-oriented sockets only). "
46b134, "WSAEINVAL: The parameter s is a listening socket. "
46b168, "WSAEFAULT: The name or the namelen parameter is not a valid part of the user address space, the namelen parameter is too small, or the name parameter contains incorrect address format for the associated address family. "
46b248, "WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: Addresses in the specified family cannot be used with this socket. "
46b2a0, "WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: The remote address is not a valid address (such as ADDR_ANY). "
46b2f8, "WSAEALREADY: A nonblocking connect call is in progress on the specified socket. "
46b350, "WSAEINTR: The blocking Windows Socket 1.1 call was canceled through WSACancelBlockingCall. "
46b3b0, "WSAEADDRINUSE: The socket's local address is already in use and the socket was not marked to allow address reuse with SO_REUSEADDR. This error usually occurs when executing bind, but could be delayed until this function if the bind was to a partially wildcard address (involving ADDR_ANY) and if a specific address needs to be committed at the time of this function. "
46b520, "WSAEWOULDBLOCK: The socket is marked as nonblocking and no connections are present to be accepted. "
46b588, "WSAEOPNOTSUPP: The referenced socket is not a type that supports connection-oriented service. "
46b5e8, "WSAENOBUFS: No buffer space is available. "
46b618, "WSAEMFILE: The queue is nonempty upon entry to accept and there are no descriptors available. "
46b678, "WSAEINVAL: The listen function was not invoked prior to accept. "
46b6c0, "WSAEINTR: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call was canceled through WSACancelBlockingCall. "
46b720, "WSAEFAULT: The addrlen parameter is too small or addr is not a valid part of the user address space. "
46b788, "WSANOTINITIALISED: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."
46b7e0, "WSAENOBUFS: Not enough buffers available, too many connections. "
46b828, "WSAEFAULT: The name or namelen parameter is not a valid part of the user address space, the namelen parameter is too small, the name parameter contains an incorrect address format for the associated address family, or the first two bytes of the memory block specified by name does not match the address family associated with the socket descriptor s. "
46b988, "WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: The specified address is not a valid address for this machine. "
46b9e0, "WSAEADDRINUSE: A process on the machine is already bound to the same fully-qualified address and the socket has not been marked to allow address reuse with SO_REUSEADDR. For example, the IP address and port are bound in the af_inet case). (See the SO_REUSEADDR socket option under setsockopt.) "
46bb08, "WSAEOPNOTSUPP: The referenced socket is not of a type that supports the listen operation. "
46bb64, "WSAEMFILE: No more socket descriptors are available. "
46bb9c, "WSAEINVAL: The socket has not been bound with bind. "
46bbd8, "WSAEADDRINUSE: The socket's local address is already in use and the socket was not marked to allow address reuse with SO_REUSEADDR. This error usually occurs during execution of the bind function, but could be delayed until this function if the bind was to a partially wildcard address (involving ADDR_ANY) and if a specific address needs to be committed at the time of this function. "
46bd60, "WSAECONNRESET: The virtual circuit was reset by the remote side executing a hard or abortive close. The application should close the socket as it is no longer usable. On a UPD-datagram socket this error would indicate that a previous send operation resulted in an ICMP Port Unreachable message. "
46be88, "WSAETIMEDOUT: The connection has been dropped because of a network failure or because the peer system failed to respond. "
46bf08, "WSAECONNABORTED: The virtual circuit was terminated due to a time-out or other failure. The application should close the socket as it is no longer usable. "
46bfa8, "WSAEINVAL: The socket has not been bound with bind, or an unknown flag was specified, or MSG_OOB was specified for a socket with SO_OOBINLINE enabled or (for byte stream sockets only) len was zero or negative. "
46c080, "WSAEMSGSIZE: The message was too large to fit into the specified buffer and was truncated. "
46c0e0, "WSAEWOULDBLOCK: The socket is marked as nonblocking and the receive operation would block. "
46c140, "WSAESHUTDOWN: The socket has been shut down; it is not possible to receive on a socket after shutdown has been invoked with how set to SD_RECEIVE or SD_BOTH. "
46c1e0, "WSAEOPNOTSUPP: MSG_OOB was specified, but the socket is not stream-style such as type SOCK_STREAM, OOB data is not supported in the communication domain associated with this socket, or the socket is unidirectional and supports only send operations. "
46c2e0, "WSAENETRESET: The connection has been broken due to the keep-alive activity detecting a failure while the operation was in progress. "
46c368, "WSAEINTR: The (blocking) call was canceled through WSACancelBlockingCall. "
46c3b8, "WSAEFAULT: The buf parameter is not completely contained in a valid part of the user address space. "
46c420, "WSAETIMEDOUT: The connection has been dropped, because of a network failure or because the system on the other end went down without notice. "
46c4b0, "WSAECONNRESET: The virtual circuit was reset by the remote side executing a hard or abortive close. For UPD sockets, the remote host was unable to deliver a previously sent UDP datagram and responded with a Port Unreachable ICMP packet. The application should close the socket as it is no longer usable. "
46c5e8, "WSAEINVAL: The socket has not been bound with bind, or an unknown flag was specified, or MSG_OOB was specified for a socket with SO_OOBINLINE enabled. "
46c680, "WSAEHOSTUNREACH: The remote host cannot be reached from this host at this time. "
46c6d8, "WSAEMSGSIZE: The socket is message oriented, and the message is larger than the maximum supported by the underlying transport. "
46c758, "WSAEWOULDBLOCK: The socket is marked as nonblocking and the requested operation would block. "
46c7b8, "WSAESHUTDOWN: The socket has been shut down; it is not possible to send on a socket after shutdown has been invoked with how set to SD_SEND or SD_BOTH. "
46c858, "WSAEOPNOTSUPP: MSG_OOB was specified, but the socket is not stream-style such as type SOCK_STREAM, OOB data is not supported in the communication domain associated with this socket, or the socket is unidirectional and supports only receive operations. "
46c958, "WSAEACCES: The requested address is a broadcast address, but the appropriate flag was not set. Call setsockopt with the SO_BROADCAST parameter to allow the use of the broadcast address. "
46ca18, "WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT: The specified socket type is not supported in this address family. "
46ca70, "WSAEPROTOTYPE: The specified protocol is the wrong type for this socket. "
46cabc, "WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT: The specified protocol is not supported. "
46cb00, "WSAENOBUFS: No buffer space is available. The socket cannot be created. "
46cb50, "WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: The specified address family is not supported. "
46cb98, "WSAENETDOWN: The network subsystem or the associated service provider has failed. "
46cbec, "connect() 失敗"
46cc1c, "socket() 失敗"
46cc2c, "WSAAsyncSelect(connected) 失敗"
46cc4c, "listen() 失敗"
46cc5c, "bind() 失敗"
46cc68, "WSAAsyncSelect(accept) 失敗"
46cc84, " ポート待ち受け開始"
46cc98, "WSAAsyncSelect(accepted) 失敗"
46ccb8, "accept() 失敗"
46ccc8, "ネットワークサブシステム異常のため待ちうけポートを再初期化しました"
46cd0c, " BBSポート待ち受け開始"
46cd24, "recv() 失敗"
46cd30, "Download.txt"
46cd5c, "/[BBS_%s]/"
46cdb0, "<base target="main">\n"
46cdc8, "<title>Winny 板分類一覧</title>\n"
46cfa8, "%8.3f"
46cfb0, "%c %s"
46cfb8, "完全キャッシュ"
46cfd8, "部分キャッシュ"
46cfe8, "UPフォルダ内"
46cff8, "仮想ファイル"
46d028, "書可スレッド"
46d038, "書不スレッド"
46d048, "更新スレッド"
46d090, "%d ( 0 )"
46d09c, "%g"
46d0ac, "NAT"
46d0b0, "DDNS"
46d0b8, "Port 0"
46d0cc, "無視ノード"
46d0e4, "無視ノード警告"
46d0f4, "左側"
46d104, "下流"
46d118, "上流"
46d120, "上流 (転送)"
46d12c, "検索リンク"
46d144, "切断"
46d14c, "検索中"
46d154, "接続テスト"
46d160, "BBS接続テスト"
46d180, "%7.1f (%dkB/s)"
46d1b8, "キャッシュチェック中"
46d1d0, "キャッシュに変換中"
46d1e4, "ダウンロード中"
46d1f4, "多重ダウンロード中"
46d208, "アップロード中"
46d218, "キャッシュ変換保留中"
46d260, "キャッシュに変換済み"
46d278, "ダウンロード済み"
46d28c, "アップロード済み"
46d2b8, "キャッシュチェック失敗"
46d2d0, "キャッシュに変換失敗"
46d384, "path"
46d38c, "name"
46d394, "アップフォルダファイル読み込み失敗(%s)"
46d3bc, "ダウンロードリスト読み込み失敗(%s)"
46d3e0, "無視リスト読み込み失敗(%s)"
46d420, "<br><a href="/%s/">%sスレッド一覧</a>\n"
46d474, "WinnyBBS 1.0"
46d4a8, "%s\t%s\t%u\t%s\n"
46d4f0, "<p><font size=+1 color=red>%s</font><br>\n"
46d590, "Winny本体フォルダ位置"
46d5c4, "タスク個数/バッファサイズ"
46d5e0, "%d / %d"
46d604, "アップファイルキー個数"
46d61c, "完全キャッシュキー個数"
46d634, "部分キャッシュキー個数"
46d674, "下流仮想ファイルキー個数"
46d690, "上流仮想ファイルキー個数"
46d6ac, "仮想キー個数限界"
46d6dc, "キー検索テーブルサイズ/GC"
46d724, "Acceptポート番号"
46d750, "DDNS名"
46d758, "無視条件個数"
46d768, "ダウン条件個数"
46d778, "ダウンタイムアウト回数"
46d7ac, "%d ( %4.1f%% )"
46d7bc, "ダウン成功回数"
46d7cc, "ダウンコネクション限界回数"
46d7e8, "ダウン試行回数"
46d820, "%s Mbyte"
46d82c, "ダウン試行ファイル平均サイズ"
46d84c, "ダウン試行時間"
46d85c, "ダウンドライブ空き容量"
46d8b4, "保持キャッシュサイズ"
46d8cc, "キャッシュファイル数"
46d8e4, " "
46d8e8, "アップファイル個数"
46d8fc, "アップフォルダ個数"
46d910, " ログ取得開始"
46d920, "SetThreadExecutionState"
46d948, "%d.%d.%d.%d"
46d970, "Delete.txt"
46d97c, "DownList.txt"
46d99c, "FontSize"
46da04, "iexplore.exe"
46da34, "DownParamBlock"
46da48, "DownParamSize"
46da68, "LineTransferSpeed"
46da7c, "Hostname"
46da94, "DisplayNewCache"
46dab4, "SearchIgnore"
46dac4, "DownRetryFast"
46dad4, "CutSlowLine"
46db00, "UseTransferLimit"
46db2c, "DisplayTmpCacheFile"
46db40, "DisplayCacheFile"
46db54, "DisplayUpFile"
46db78, "AutoDisconnect"
46db98, "NotConnected"
46dbb4, "DownFolderPath"
46dbc4, "%sDown"
46dbcc, "BbsFolderPath"
46dbdc, "%sBbs"
46dbec, "CacheFolderPath"
46dbfc, "%sCache"
46dc04, "メモリ確保に失敗しました"
46dc20, "BBSファイルが多すぎます(最大 %d)"
46df68, "プロトコルの異なるクライアントからの接続がありました"
46e1ac, "正常"
46e1b4, "エラー"
46e1bc, "キャンセル"
46e1c8, "中"
46e1d4, "多重"
46e1dc, "済み"
46e1e4, "+"
46e2ac, "Winny"
46e648, "%%%02x"
46e690, "* %s %s %s"
46e69c, " %s %s %s"
46e6a8, " ログ消去"
46e870, "%c"
46e87c, "%04X :"
46e884, "MS ゴシック"
46e990, "Minimize"
46e9a4, "Winny v1.%02d"
46e9b8, "プログラムの使用期限が切れています。Winnyの最新バージョンを確認してください。"
46ee18, "width65"
46ee28, "width63"
46ee30, "width62"
46ee48, "width58"
46ee60, "width55"
46ee68, "width54"
46ee70, "width53"
46ee80, "width51"
46ee88, "width50"
46ee98, "width47"
46eea0, "width46"
46eec8, "width41"
46eed0, "width40"
46eee0, "width38"
46eef8, "width35"
46ef00, "width34"
46ef10, "width32"
46ef18, "width31"
46ef28, "width29"
46ef30, "width28"
46ef38, "width27"
46ef48, "width25"
46ef50, "width24"
46ef60, "width22"
46ef80, "width14"
46ef90, "width12"
46efa8, "width08"
46efc8, "width04"
46efd8, "width02"
46efe0, "width01"
46efe8, "Tab"
46f034, "Width"
46f03c, "転送レート(申請値)"
46f050, "タスク内容"
46f08c, "残り時間"
46f0a4, "カウント"
46f0b0, "ヒット数"
46f0bc, "サイズ制限(MB)"
46f0f4, "被参照量(MB)"
46f104, "ファイル名"
46f110, "ハッシュ"
46f11c, "Ver."
46f124, "優先度"
46f12c, "更新時刻"
46f138, "発言数"
46f140, "ブロック"
46f14c, "サイズ(byte)"
46f15c, "スレッドタイトル"
46f17c, "サイズ(kbyte)"
46f198, "フルパス"
46f1a4, "フォルダ名"
46f1bc, "接続優先度"
46f1c8, "バージョン"
46f1d4, "無通信時間"
46f1ec, "接続"
46f1f4, "方向"
46f204, "Mode%d"
46f218, "Select%d"
46f224, "width%01d%01d"
46f3b8, "先頭ブロックがキャッシュ内に存在しません"
46f3e4, "キーが見つかりません"
46f400, "BBSポート番号(%d)は既に他のアプリで使われています。ポート設定を見直してください"
46f450, "ポート番号(%d)は既に他のアプリで使われています。ポート設定を見直してください"
46f4a0, "警告:Port0設定になっているためダウン速度が制限されています。可能であればポート設定を見直してください。"
46f508, "ポート警告による接続停止"
46f528, "警告:ポート警告が多すぎるので接続停止しました。設定を見直してから接続ボタンを押してください。"
46f588, "ダウンフォルダ容量警告"
46f60c, "キャッシュフォルダ容量警告"
46f628, "警告:キャッシュフォルダ(%s)の空き容量が足りません。キャッシュを一部消すなどして空き容量を確保してください。"
46f698, "新しいバージョンのWinnyノード接続"
46f6c0, "警告:新しいバージョンのWinnyノード接続がありました。Winny本体の最新バージョンを確認してください。"
46f7fc, "スレッド検索ワード"
46f810, "検索トリップ"
46f820, "ファイル検索ワード"
46f834, "Copyright 47@download.2ch"
46f850, "%s (2003/04/05)"
46f860, "Hit : %d "
46f86c, "auto_tab_change"
46f87c, "自動タブ切替"
46f88c, "transfer_limit"
46f89c, "帯域制限有効"
46f8ac, "ipconv"
46f8b4, "アドレス暗号化"
46f8c4, "setting"
46f8cc, "設定変更"
46f8d8, "clear_console"
46f8e8, "ログを消去"
46f8f4, "wait_convert"
46f904, "変換タスク保留"
46f914, "slow_cut"
46f920, "低速転送切断"
46f930, "multi_down"
46f93c, "多重ダウン許可"
46f94c, "cancel_work"
46f958, "タスク取り消し"
46f968, "clear_work"
46f974, "リスト消去"
46f980, "search_ignore"
46f990, "検索にも反映"
46f9a0, "reload_delete"
46f9b0, "edit_delete"
46f9bc, "del_delete"
46f9c8, "add_delete"
46f9d4, "無視条件追加"
46f9e4, "fast_retry"
46f9f0, "高速ダウン試行"
46fa00, "reload_down"
46fa0c, "リスト再読"
46fa18, "edit_down"
46fa24, "リスト編集"
46fa30, "del_down"
46fa3c, "リスト削除"
46fa48, "add_down"
46fa54, "ダウン追加"
46fa60, "edit_down_param"
46fa70, "優先度設定"
46fa7c, "display_tmp_cache"
46fa90, "display_cache"
46faa0, "display_virtual"
46fab0, "clear_search_list"
46fac4, "検索履歴再読"
46fad4, "外部ポート探索"
46fae4, "search_bbs"
46faf0, "ポート探索中"
46fb00, "open_bbs"
46fb0c, "ブラウザ起動"
46fb1c, "writable_bbs"
46fb2c, "キャッシュ表示"
46fb3c, "clear_bbs_cache"
46fb4c, "キャッシュ削除"
46fb5c, "make_bbs"
46fb68, "スレッド作成"
46fb78, "open_down_folder"
46fb9c, "open_up_folder"
46fbac, "UPフォルダ開"
46fbbc, "scan_folder"
46fbc8, "再チェック"
46fbd4, "folder_delete"
46fbe4, "フォルダ削除"
46fbf4, "folder_add"
46fc00, "フォルダ追加"
46fc10, "auto_disconnect"
46fc20, "検索自動切断"
46fc30, "disconnect_search"
46fc44, "検索リンク切断"
46fc54, "disconnect"
46fc60, "全リンク切断"
46fc70, "connect_start"
46fc80, "接続停止中"
46fc8c, "connect_stop"
46fc9c, "接続中"
46fca4, "add_node"
46fcb0, "初期ノード追加"
46fd00, "仮想キー個数は5千から5万の間に設定してください"
46fd30, "既にBBSファイルが存在します"
46fd4c, "スレッドは1ノードで%d個までしか作れません"
46fd78, "外部から接続できないノードはスレッドが立てられません"
46fdb0, "------------"
46fdc0, "Search.txt"
46fdcc, "Trip.txt"
46fddc, "システム情報"
46fdec, "ログ情報"
46fdf8, "タスク状況"
46fe04, "無視リスト"
46fe10, "ダウンリスト"
46fe20, "ファイル検索"
46fe30, "掲示板"
46fe38, "公開フォルダ"
46fe48, "ノード情報"
46fe70, "保持しているBBSキャッシュを全てクリアしますか?"
46fea0, "skip_down"
46fec0, "clear_finish_work"
470144, "MS Shell Dlg"
470180, "DISPLAY"
4705ec, "EnumDisplayDevicesA"
470600, "GetMonitorInfoA"
470610, "EnumDisplayMonitors"
470624, "MonitorFromPoint"
470638, "MonitorFromRect"
470648, "MonitorFromWindow"
47065c, "GetSystemMetrics"
470a40, "InitCommonControlsEx"
470b1c, "Afx:%p:%x:%p:%p:%p"
470b30, "Afx:%p:%x"
470b98, "HtmlHelpA"
470ba4, "hhctrl.ocx"
471124, "%I64d"
4711e0, "SysListView32"
471330, "msctls_trackbar32"
471700, "tooltips_class32"
471714, "software"
471cd8, "PreviewPages"
471ce8, "Settings"
471d4c, "GetUserDefaultUILanguage"
471eb8, "%s.dll"
471f7c, "Software\"
47284c, "commdlg_FindReplace"
472878, ".HLP"
472aac, "RichEdit Text and Objects"
472af4, "Link Source Descriptor"
472b3c, "Embedded Object"
472b4c, "ObjectLink"
472b58, "OwnerLink"
47334c, "CorExitProcess"
473498, "IsProcessorFeaturePresent"
473ae0, "\n\n"
473ae4, "Runtime Error!\n\nProgram: "
473b04, "<program name unknown>"
473b1c, "Program: "
474290, "GetProcessWindowStation"
4742c4, "GetLastActivePopup"
474b98, "invalid string position"
474bb0, "string too long"
487d68, ".avi"
488d68, "C:\Winny114\CACHE\%ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"
00469000, RegOpenKeyA
00469004, RegCreateKeyExA
00469008, RegOpenKeyExA
0046900c, RegQueryValueExA
00469010, RegSetValueExA
00469014, RegDeleteValueA
00469018, RegDeleteKeyA
0046901c, RegEnumKeyA
00469020, RegQueryValueA
00469024, RegCloseKey
0046902c, CControl::v_OnNCPaint
00469030, ImageList_Destroy
00469038, Escape
0046903c, SelectObject
0046905c, DeleteDC
00469060, CreatePen
00469064, TextOutA
00469068, GetBkColor
0046906c, GetTextColor
00469070, GetRgnBox
00469074, MoveToEx
00469078, LineTo
00469080, RectVisible
00469084, PtVisible
00469088, GetWindowExtEx
0046908c, GetViewportExtEx
00469090, CreateFontIndirectA
00469094, ExtTextOutA
00469098, CreateRectRgnIndirect
0046909c, CreateBitmap
004690a0, GetObjectA
004690a4, SetBkColor
004690ac, GetClipBox
004690b0, GetDeviceCaps
004690b4, CreateCompatibleDC
004690b8, CreateCompatibleBitmap
004690bc, CreateFontA
004690c0, SetPixel
004690c4, GetStockObject
004690c8, CreateSolidBrush
004690cc, BitBlt
004690e0, DeleteObject
004690e4, GetMapMode
004690ec, SetEndOfFile
004690f0, GetFileSize
004690f4, DuplicateHandle
004690f8, GetCurrentProcess
004690fc, FindClose
00469100, FindFirstFileA
00469104, GetVolumeInformationA
00469108, GetFullPathNameA
00469110, FileTimeToLocalFileTime
00469114, GetFileAttributesA
00469118, GetFileTime
0046911c, RtlFreeHeap
00469120, RtlAllocateHeap
00469128, RtlReAllocateHeap
0046912c, RaiseException
00469130, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
00469134, FindNextFileA
00469138, UnlockFile
0046913c, TerminateProcess
00469140, HeapCompact
00469144, GetLocalTime
00469148, GetTimeZoneInformation
0046914c, GetStartupInfoA
00469150, GetCommandLineA
00469154, ExitThread
00469158, CreateThread
0046915c, RtlSizeHeap
00469160, HeapDestroy
00469164, HeapCreate
00469168, VirtualFree
0046916c, VirtualAlloc
00469170, IsBadWritePtr
00469174, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
00469178, LCMapStringA
0046917c, LCMapStringW
00469180, GetStdHandle
00469184, UnhandledExceptionFilter
00469188, FreeEnvironmentStringsA
0046918c, GetEnvironmentStrings
00469190, FreeEnvironmentStringsW
00469198, LockResource
0046919c, GetFileType
004691a0, QueryPerformanceCounter
004691a4, GetCurrentProcessId
004691a8, GetStringTypeA
004691ac, GetStringTypeW
004691b0, IsBadReadPtr
004691b4, IsBadCodePtr
004691b8, SetStdHandle
004691bc, VirtualProtect
004691c0, GetSystemInfo
004691c4, VirtualQuery
004691c8, SetEnvironmentVariableA
004691cc, LockFile
004691d0, FlushFileBuffers
004691d4, SetFilePointer
004691d8, WriteFile
004691dc, ReadFile
004691e0, DeleteFileA
004691e4, MoveFileA
004691e8, GetOEMCP
004691ec, GetCPInfo
004691f0, FileTimeToSystemTime
004691f4, TlsFree
004691f8, RtlDeleteCriticalSection
004691fc, LocalReAlloc
00469200, TlsSetValue
00469204, TlsAlloc
00469208, InitializeCriticalSection
0046920c, TlsGetValue
00469210, RtlEnterCriticalSection
00469214, GlobalHandle
00469218, GlobalReAlloc
0046921c, RtlLeaveCriticalSection
00469220, LocalAlloc
00469224, InterlockedIncrement
00469228, GlobalFlags
0046922c, GetCurrentThread
00469230, lstrcmpA
00469238, EnumResourceLanguagesA
0046923c, SuspendThread
00469240, SetEvent
00469244, WaitForSingleObject
00469248, ResumeThread
0046924c, SetThreadPriority
00469250, GetPrivateProfileStringA
00469254, WritePrivateProfileStringA
00469258, GetPrivateProfileIntA
0046925c, InterlockedDecrement
00469264, ReleaseMutex
00469268, CreateMutexA
0046926c, GetModuleFileNameA
00469270, GetCurrentThreadId
00469274, GlobalGetAtomNameA
00469278, GlobalAddAtomA
0046927c, GlobalFindAtomA
00469280, GlobalDeleteAtom
00469284, lstrcatA
00469288, lstrcmpW
0046928c, lstrcpyA
00469290, GetModuleHandleA
00469294, RtlGetLastWin32Error
00469298, RtlSetLastWin32Error
0046929c, MulDiv
004692a0, FormatMessageA
004692a4, LocalFree
004692a8, lstrcpynA
004692ac, GlobalFree
004692b0, FreeResource
004692b4, GlobalAlloc
004692b8, GlobalLock
004692bc, GlobalUnlock
004692c0, CreateFileA
004692c4, CloseHandle
004692c8, LoadLibraryA
004692cc, GetProcAddress
004692d0, FreeLibrary
004692d4, Sleep
004692dc, GetTickCount
004692e0, FindResourceA
004692e4, LoadResource
004692e8, LockResource
004692ec, SizeofResource
004692f0, lstrlenA
004692f4, lstrcmpiA
004692f8, CompareStringW
004692fc, CompareStringA
00469300, GetVersion
00469304, WideCharToMultiByte
00469308, MultiByteToWideChar
0046930c, GetVersionExA
00469310, GetThreadLocale
00469314, GetLocaleInfoA
00469318, GetACP
0046931c, InterlockedExchange
00469320, ExitProcess
00469324, CreateDirectoryA
00469338, VariantCopy
0046933c, SysAllocStringLen
00469340, VariantInit
00469344, VariantClear
00469348, SysAllocStringByteLen
0046934c, BstrLen
00469350, SystemTimeToVariantTime
00469354, SysAllocString
00469358, OleCreateFontIndirect
0046935c, SafeArrayDestroy
00469360, VariantChangeType
00469364, SysFreeString
0046936c, Shell_NotifyIconA
00469370, SHGetDesktopFolder
00469374, SHBrowseForFolder
00469378, SHGetMalloc
0046937c, ShellExecuteEx
00469384, PathFindFileNameA
00469388, PathStripToRootA
0046938c, PathFindExtensionA
00469390, PathIsUNCA
0046939c, IsRectEmpty
004693a4, CopyAcceleratorTableA
004693a8, InvalidateRect
004693ac, InvalidateRgn
004693b0, GetNextDlgGroupItem
004693b4, MessageBeep
004693bc, PostThreadMessageA
004693c0, EndPaint
004693c4, BeginPaint
004693c8, GetWindowDC
004693cc, ClientToScreen
004693d0, GrayStringA
004693d4, DrawTextExA
004693d8, DrawTextA
004693dc, TabbedTextOutA
004693e0, DestroyMenu
004693e4, WindowFromPoint
004693e8, ReleaseDC
004693ec, GetDC
004693f0, wsprintfA
004693f4, SetMenuItemBitmaps
004693f8, ModifyMenuA
004693fc, EnableMenuItem
00469400, CheckMenuItem
00469404, GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions
00469408, LoadBitmapA
0046940c, RegisterClipboardFormatA
00469410, WinHelpA
00469414, GetCapture
00469418, CreateWindowExA
0046941c, SetWindowsHookExA
00469420, CallNextHookEx
00469424, GetClassLongA
00469428, GetClassInfoExA
0046942c, GetClassNameA
00469430, SetPropA
00469434, GetPropA
00469438, RemovePropA
0046943c, IsChild
00469440, GetForegroundWindow
00469444, GetLastActivePopup
00469448, DispatchMessageA
0046944c, GetTopWindow
00469450, UnhookWindowsHookEx
00469454, GetMessageTime
00469458, GetMessagePos
0046945c, PeekMessageA
00469460, MapWindowPoints
00469464, MessageBoxA
00469468, TrackPopupMenu
0046946c, GetKeyState
00469470, IsWindowVisible
00469474, GetMenu
00469478, PostMessageA
0046947c, AdjustWindowRectEx
00469480, EqualRect
00469484, GetClassInfoA
00469488, UnregisterClassA
0046948c, SetWindowPlacement
00469490, DefWindowProcA
00469494, CallWindowProcA
00469498, IntersectRect
0046949c, SystemParametersInfoA
004694a0, GetWindowPlacement
004694a4, GetWindow
004694a8, GetMenuState
004694ac, GetMenuItemID
004694b0, GetMenuItemCount
004694b4, GetWindowTextLengthA
004694b8, GetWindowTextA
004694bc, GetFocus
004694c0, SetWindowPos
004694c4, SetFocus
004694c8, ShowWindow
004694cc, MoveWindow
004694d0, GetDlgCtrlID
004694d4, SetWindowTextA
004694d8, IsDialogMessageA
004694e0, GetDesktopWindow
004694e4, GetActiveWindow
004694e8, CreateDialogIndirectParamA
004694ec, DestroyWindow
004694f0, IsWindow
004694f4, GetDlgItem
004694f8, IsWindowEnabled
004694fc, GetNextDlgTabItem
00469500, EndDialog
00469504, GetSystemMetrics
00469508, EmptyClipboard
0046950c, SetClipboardData
00469510, CloseClipboard
00469518, OpenClipboard
0046951c, RedrawWindow
00469520, IsIconic
00469524, GetWindowLongA
00469528, SetWindowLongA
0046952c, DrawIcon
00469530, SetForegroundWindow
00469534, FindWindowA
00469538, ReleaseCapture
0046953c, SetCapture
00469544, SetWindowContextHelpId
00469548, MapDialogRect
0046954c, GetWindowRect
00469550, DrawFrameControl
00469554, FillRect
00469558, OffsetRect
0046955c, LoadCursorA
00469560, UpdateWindow
00469564, GetCursorPos
00469568, GetParent
0046956c, KillTimer
00469570, SetTimer
00469574, ScreenToClient
00469578, GetClientRect
0046957c, SetCursor
00469584, GetMessageA
00469588, TranslateMessage
0046958c, ValidateRect
00469590, LoadMenuA
00469594, GetSubMenu
00469598, PtInRect
0046959c, CopyRect
004695a0, GetSysColor
004695a4, SendMessageA
004695a8, EnableWindow
004695ac, SetActiveWindow
004695b0, CharUpperA
004695b4, RegisterClassA
004695cc, WSAStartup
004695d0, connect
004695d4, WSAAsyncSelect
004695d8, ntohs
004695dc, setsockopt
004695e0, gethostname
004695e4, listen
004695e8, bind
004695ec, accept
004695f0, recv
004695f4, WSACleanup
004695f8, gethostbyname
004695fc, shutdown
00469600, send
00469604, socket
00469608, closesocket
0046960c, WSAAsyncGetHostByName
00469610, WSAGetLastError
00469618, GetFileTitleA
00469620, CoTaskMemAlloc
00469628, OleIsCurrentClipboard
0046962c, CoRegisterMessageFilter
00469630, CoRevokeClassObject
00469634, OleInitialize
00469638, CoFreeUnusedLibraries
0046963c, OleUninitialize
00469640, CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal
00469644, StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes
00469648, StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes
0046964c, CoGetClassObject
00469650, CLSIDFromString
00469654, CLSIDFromProgID
00469658, CoTaskMemFree
0047e0b0, 4010d0
0047f318, 44c8f9
0047f6d0, 4509ae
0047f6d4, 450628
0047f6d8, 45068d
0047f6dc, 4505ec
0122a8f4, __CxxUnhandledExceptionFilter