関数 402a10

; CConnection::Clear
00402a10 53 push ebx
00402a11 56 push esi
00402a12 8bf1 mov esi,ecx
00402a14 8b869c000000 mov eax,[esi+0x9c] ; CConnection.9c( socket )
00402a1a 33db xor ebx,ebx
00402a1c 3bc3 cmp eax,ebx
00402a1e 7413 jz image00400000+0x2a33 (00402a33) ; CConnection.9c( socket ) == 0 ->
00402a20 50 push eax
00402a21 ff1508964600 call dword ptr [image00400000+0x69608 (00469608)] ; closesocket
00402a27 899e9c000000 mov [esi+0x9c],ebx ; CConnection.9c( socket ) <- 0
00402a2d ff05f884ec00 inc dword ptr [image00400000+0xac84f8 (00ec84f8)] ; 全く参照されない
; CConnection.9c( socket ) == 0
00402a33 885e08 mov [esi+0x8],bl
00402a36 885e09 mov [esi+0x9],bl
00402a39 885e0a mov [esi+0xa],bl
00402a3c 885e0b mov [esi+0xb],bl
00402a3f 895e18 mov [esi+0x18],ebx
00402a42 895e4c mov [esi+0x4c],ebx
00402a45 889e8c000000 mov [esi+0x8c],bl
00402a4b 889e85000000 mov [esi+0x85],bl
00402a51 889e90000000 mov [esi+0x90],bl
00402a57 889e8e000000 mov [esi+0x8e],bl
00402a5d 889e91000000 mov [esi+0x91],bl
00402a63 895e3c mov [esi+0x3c],ebx
00402a66 895e38 mov [esi+0x38],ebx
00402a69 895e34 mov [esi+0x34],ebx
00402a6c 895e48 mov [esi+0x48],ebx
00402a6f 895e44 mov [esi+0x44],ebx
00402a72 895e40 mov [esi+0x40],ebx
00402a75 889e80000000 mov [esi+0x80],bl
00402a7b 895e2c mov [esi+0x2c],ebx
00402a7e 889e92000000 mov [esi+0x92],bl
00402a84 889e93000000 mov [esi+0x93],bl
00402a8a 885e30 mov [esi+0x30],bl
00402a8d c74650ffffffff mov dword ptr [esi+0x50],0xffffffff
00402a94 895e28 mov [esi+0x28],ebx
00402a97 889e83000000 mov [esi+0x83],bl
00402a9d 889e84000000 mov [esi+0x84],bl
00402aa3 889e88000000 mov [esi+0x88],bl
00402aa9 889e89000000 mov [esi+0x89],bl
00402aaf 889e97000000 mov [esi+0x97],bl
00402ab5 895e6c mov [esi+0x6c],ebx
00402ab8 e8ad8a0400 call image00400000+0x4b56a (0044b56a) ; rand
00402abd 25ff000080 and eax,0x800000ff
00402ac2 7907 jns image00400000+0x2acb (00402acb)
00402ac4 48 dec eax
00402ac5 0d00ffffff or eax,0xffffff00
00402aca 40 inc eax
00402acb 884670 mov [esi+0x70],al
00402ace e8978a0400 call image00400000+0x4b56a (0044b56a) ; rand
00402ad3 25ff000080 and eax,0x800000ff
00402ad8 7907 jns image00400000+0x2ae1 (00402ae1)
00402ada 48 dec eax
00402adb 0d00ffffff or eax,0xffffff00
00402ae0 40 inc eax
00402ae1 884671 mov [esi+0x71],al
00402ae4 e8818a0400 call image00400000+0x4b56a (0044b56a) ; rand
00402ae9 25ff000080 and eax,0x800000ff
00402aee 7907 jns image00400000+0x2af7 (00402af7)
00402af0 48 dec eax
00402af1 0d00ffffff or eax,0xffffff00
00402af6 40 inc eax
00402af7 884672 mov [esi+0x72],al
00402afa e86b8a0400 call image00400000+0x4b56a (0044b56a) ; rand
00402aff 25ff000080 and eax,0x800000ff
00402b04 7907 jns image00400000+0x2b0d (00402b0d)
00402b06 48 dec eax
00402b07 0d00ffffff or eax,0xffffff00
00402b0c 40 inc eax
00402b0d 885e74 mov [esi+0x74],bl
00402b10 885e78 mov [esi+0x78],bl
00402b13 884673 mov [esi+0x73],al
00402b16 5e pop esi
00402b17 5b pop ebx
00402b18 c3 ret